About Me

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Russian Society was founded to help people understand the aspects of culture and traditions of the country, to learn more about the people and the ways of Russia. Our society tries to acquaint students with Russian traditions through cultural nights, to present the richness of Russian poetry, history,music, movies and art. We try to share experience with those who wish to understand more about the ways of the country. Russian language classes provide a first step forward for those who entertain the idea of gaining an in-depth understanding of the Russian language. Entertaining activities, such as russian games, russian ballet trips, russian food tasting trips, skating trips,nights out, etc. help students to get to know Russian traditions in a more relaxing atmosphere.


TCD Russian Society committee for the year 2011/2012

Chair - Leanna Gannon (gannonle@tcd.ie)
Secretary - Karolina Mikita (mikitaik@tcd.ie)
Treasurer - Vitalij Aleksandrov ( aleksanv@tcd.ie)
Educational Oficcer - Zarima McDermott (mcdermoz@tcd.ie)
Ents Officers - Igor Verkhovsky (verkhovi@tcd.ie)
and Therese Morley (tmorley@tcd.ie)
                                                 Cultural Officers - Grace Cuddihy (cuddihyg@tcd.ie)
                                                  and Heluis Egenberg (egenberh@tcd.ie)
                                                 Photography Officer - Anna Kurtisa (kurtisaa@tcd.ie)